Category Archive: Wine Thoughts

San Diego International Wine Competition

Posted on March 12, 2012

The 29th annual San Diego International Wine Competition

I had the honor of judging my first wine competition this weekend, the San Diego International Wine Competition.  The SDIWC is organized by Robert Whitley, a wine writer for and wine review online.  The judges were a mix of wine makers, wine writers, wine consultants and this year, local sommeliers.  There were over 1700 wines from around the world entered into the 29th annual SDIWC. (more…)


Wine Education evolution of the wine novice

Posted on January 9, 2012


Evolution of the wine novice

“Wine is confusing! Wine is complicated! I will never understand wine!”

SpinCircleCreative Commons License photo credit: LaPrimaDonna

“Wine is confusing! Wine is complicated! I will never understand wine!”  That is the mantra of every wine novice. It almost seems impossible to fully understand it all.  It all starts pretty innocently, drinking wine.  It takes a while to get used to the taste, and the next thing you know you start drinking wine without really thinking too much about it.  Then somewhere down the road things change.

1. You start to drink more wine and become interested in knowing more about what you’re drinking.

2. You surround yourself with people who begin to talk about wine as if it were poetry, and to not be left out, you too begin to take an interest.

3. You start to work with wine, a bar, restaurant, shop or wholesale.  Now you are also forced to know more.

4. Lastly, the one I wish was my introduction. You inherit millions of dollars and don’t know what to do, so you start buying wine.  So that it seems as though you know how your spending your money, you start to learn more about wine.

Whatever the reason is, you are now reading this because something, somehow or somewhere drove you to learn more about wine.  And at first you said, “Wine is confusing! Wine is complicated! I will never understand wine!”  Look at yourself now, I bet you know much more now than when you first went to the store and asked for a Cabernet Sauvignon because it sounded more sophisticated than asking for a red wine.  And as time passed, you started to ask for a less tannic wine, or a fruitier or a drier wine.  As you started to understand your palate you started to develop the language that would allow you to articulate your likes and dislikes.  You knew that you enjoyed a Cabernet Sauvignon because it had “a bite to it”, and it had a “full bodied mouth-feel” but that was about it.

picture taken from

Then one day you are at a dinner party and the host decides to “decant” a prized bottle from the cellar, and its FRENCH!  So much French written on the bottle that all you get from the label is the word “Chateau”.  Everyone is oohhing and aahhing over the label, the vintage, the magnificent garnet color, the aromas and flavors.  And all the time you are trying to see if you can pick out a cassis aroma that someone gawked over.  Of course you remain silent and act like you totally pick up on the smoke and leather, all the time wondering why everyone is so mesmerized.  You taste it and it’s nothing like the Cabernet Sauvignon you had from Vons the other night. In fact you don’t really understand why it’s supposed to be so good, it just tastes dirty.  But as an aspiring wine connoisseur, (and someone who wants to be in the “in crowd,”) you need to find out why that bottle was so praised.  So on to the internet.  Whoa! You learn that you drank a bottle of 1989 Chateau Haut Brion, one of the first growths in Bordeaux.  You go on to to read that Bordeaux uses primarily 5 grapes, and one of them is your favorite, Cabernet Sauvignon.  You are in a state of shock, all this time you thought Bordeaux was a grape. (more…)


Are Wine Ratings Bought?

Posted on December 29, 2011

Are wine ratings bought? Is the wine business bought? 

100 DollarsCreative Commons License photo credit: 401K

There has been a whole lot of hoopla in the wine world over The Wine Advocate’s, Jay Miller stepping down and Robert Parker turning the reigns in California to Antonio Galloni.  One blogger wrote a very basic post wondering what to expect from Antonio’s visit to Sonoma? What seemed to be a blog post of little importance actually touched a nerve in many on the wine world. Looking at the comments posted, you will see all the HOOPLA! Everyone has an opinion on the subject.

The question posted was, will Antonio Galloni only taste the wines from the Sonoma County Vintners Associations members or will he be trying other non-member wines. The blogger’s implication was that the Wine Advocate is bought by the SCVA. The SCVA is the sole entity responsible for choosing what Antonio will taste, meaning only the wines of its members thus alienating 600+ Sonoma wineries.  Is that fair for such an influential publication to put scores out for Sonoma and only rate wineries that belong to the SCVA? (more…)


Best Wines Tasted In 2011 List

Posted on December 26, 2011

The Best Wines Tasted in 2011 List is here, just in time for the end of the year.

I am new to the blogging sphere, and I know that best of lists are a no no, but I just couldn’t resist.  I always love hearing the countdown to the top one hundred songs of the year, so I needed to do a “best wines tasted in 2011 list”.  Over the past year I tasted a lot of wine. Luckily I keep notes and revisit them regularly.  I had some tremendous wines out and about with friends and at social engagements and those did not make it make into my notebook. Unfortunately they will not be part of my “Best wines I tasted in 2011 list”.  However,  this list will have some very cool stuff! (more…)

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BevMo Wines Which Should I Buy?

Posted on December 22, 2011

BevMo wines, which should I buy?

ZoneTag Photo Wednesday 19:51:44
Creative Commons License photo credit: nickdotreid

BevMo wines wines should I buy? Whoa, wait a minute! Maurice, are you actually going to talk about your arch-nemesis, BevMo?  It sounds like you are condoning shopping there.

Okay, okay, okay! Let me explain myself. I used to cringe when my mom would ask, “I’m going to BevMO, which wines should I buy?” But as time passes and I start to slowly dismount from my high horse, I have come to a new realization.

I now accept that BevMo is a leader in wine retail.  BevMo is well known for its 5 Cent sales. Who can compete with that?  What a genius marketing hook…5 Cent wines! This might be one of the reasons they have become a leader in wine sales.  All I know, is that Bevmo has mastered making wine accessible to the average person.  When I say the average person, like my mom, who drinks wine, buys wine, but doesn’t understand wine, walks into BevMo,  she feels comfortable.  BevMo is set up just like a grocery store. The isles are clearly marked, the sale items are popping out at every corner and there is so much space that one can go unnoticed.  Its a very different experience from walking into a fine wine shop where the space is cramped, one has to be a sommelier to find a wine and all the workers scrutinize your choices. BevMo has made wine shopping as easy as buying cereal.  (more…)