Posted on May 29, 2013
The Vinturi Challenge is where we test the Vinturi aerating system against the decanter and the traditional, straight from the bottle. To see the details of the Challenge, read the 1st post of Barolo. My intention is to find the best approach to each wine. Some wines will benefit from decanting, others are better straight from the bottle and maybe we’ll find one which the Vinturi will benefit. By the time we get through different wines, you will have a better idea of when to decant, when to Vinturi and when to let be.
In a nutshell, during the Vinturi Challenge we taste the wines blind. One wine is decanted up to 30 min before tasting. The other wine is poured straight from the bottle and the last is poured through the Vinturi. The judges rate the wines on aromatics, flavors, tannin, alcohol and acidity. At the end, each judge picks their favorite glass. We then show the glass to see which was the judges preference. (more…)
Posted on May 8, 2013
The Vinturi Challenge is where we test the Vinturi aerating system against the decanter and the traditional, straight from the bottle. To see the details of the Challenge, read the 1st post of Barolo. My intention is to find the best approach to each wine. Some wines will benefit from decanting, others are better straight from the bottle and maybe we’ll find one which the Vinturi will benefit. By the time we get through different wines, you will have a better idea of when to decant, when to Vinturi and when to let be.
In a nutshell, during the Vinturi Challenge we taste the wines blind. One wine is decanted up to 30 min before tasting. The other wine is poured straight from the bottle and the last is poured through the Vinturi. The judges rate the wines on aromatics, flavors, tannin, alcohol and acidity. At the end, each judge picks their favorite glass. We then show the glass to see which was the judges preference. (more…)
Posted on April 9, 2013
The Vinturi Challenge is where we test the Vinturi aerating system against the decanter and the traditional, straight from the bottle. To see the details of the Challenge, read the 1st post of Barolo. My intention is to find the best approach to each wine. Some wines will benefit from decanting, others are better straight from the bottle and maybe we’ll find one which the Vinturi will benefit. By the time we get through different wines, you will have a better idea of when to decant, when to Vinturi and when to let be.
In a nutshell, during the Vinturi Challenge we taste the wines blind. One wine is decanted up to 30 min before tasting. The other wine is poured straight from the bottle and the last is poured through the Vinturi. The judges rate the wines on aromatics, flavors, tannin, alcohol and acidity. At the end, each judge picks their favorite glass. We then show the glass to see which was the judges preference. (more…)
Posted on March 13, 2013

The Vinturi Challenge is where we test the Vinturi aerating system against the decanter and the traditional, straight from the bottle. To see the details of the Challenge, read the 1st post of Barolo. My intention is to find the best approach to each wine. Some wines will benefit from decanting, others are better straight from the bottle and maybe we’ll find one which the Vinturi will benefit. By the time we get through different wines, you will have a better idea of when to decant, when to Vinturi and when to let be.
In a nutshell, we taste the wines blind. One wine is decanted up to 30 min before tasting. The other wine is poured straight from the bottle and the last is poured through the Vinturi. The judges rate the wines on aromatics, flavors, tannin, alcohol and acidity. At the end, each judge picks their favorite glass. We then show the glass to see which was the judges preference. (more…)
Posted on March 5, 2013
I remember the day that a Vinturi was given to me. It was the answer to decanting. No longer did we have to wait half an hour before the wine was drinkable. All I had to do was pour the wine through this sleek-looking aerator and…Voila! The wine was ready. I am always a fan of cool wine gimmicks and I think it is neat to see people get creative with wine. Some gimmicks work and others are just…well gimmicky.
About 7 years ago, my first Vinturi was stolen from the floor of the restaurant the first week I had it out. I was going to try it with some of my regulars to see if the Vinturi really worked. I guess the word was out, that sleek plastic rocket capsule-looking aerator was a hot commodity. I remember trying it with an Argentinian Malbec and it seemed to soften the wine. I also remember trying it with a Barbaresco and noticed that the tannins were much more milder. What I didn’t do was try the wines side by side with the Vinturi, a decanter and straight from the bottle. (more…)