Posted on November 18, 2011
Paradigm Napa Cabernet Sauvignon 2005
When 333 Pacific opened in December 2008, I tasted a wide variety of wines while writing the list. One thing I noticed was the difference between the wines made from female and male wine makers. Generally speaking, I found wines from female wine makers to be more elegant and rounded, whereas some of the wines from male wine makers were more bold and upfront. Today’s feature is Heidi Peterson-Barrett’s Paradigm Cabernet Sauvignon.
Heidi is a very well-known and sought after wine maker in Napa, California. She is most famous for her cult project, Screaming Eagle. Owners Ren and Marilyn Harris have Heidi making wines specifically for Paradigm. This wine is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. There is an influence of oak expressed with aromas of chocolate, yet it retains elegance. Also present is an aroma of black fruit and berries. Many Napa wines tend to lose their original palate due to over manipulation, but this is where Heidi differs. With her hands off approach, Heidi has allowed the grape, and the land it comes from, to shine.
We are proud to have Heidi Peterson-Barrett’s Paradigm Napa
Cabernet Sauvignon. Made in 2005, this bottle is starting to show its age and only getting better. Enjoy with a grilled rack of lamb or a filet topped with crab and Bearnaise.
90 pts Wine Connoissuer’s guide
Retail Price $59 Bottle
Prime Cru $35 Bottle
Learn about Prime Cru
Posted on November 15, 2011

Two years of Prime Cru have come and gone, and since our inception in late 2009 we have grown to over 1600 members. As I looked over everyone’s questionnaires, I was overwhelmed with how many Napa Cab drinkers we have. So to stay true to our members, I ring in the New Year with a Napa Cab. But not just any Napa Cab, this is the quintessential winery out of Napa,
Vineyard 29.
Vineyard 29 is known for its state of the art winery and its constant pursuit of quality through science. What Vineyard 29 also finds to be true is… “ …surround yourself with great people and you too will be great.” This has been the case since the beginning. The vineyards were planted by the infamous David Abreu and the
cuttings came from neighboring Grace Family Vineyards. The winery has had many great wine makers in its past such as Heidi Barret and today, Philippe Melka. (more…)
Posted on November 2, 2011
Below is a copy of one of our Newsletter for my wine club, PRIME CRU. PRIME CRU is a wine club I created at Island Prime Restaurant in San Diego, where we turn our guests on to special values only available through the PRIME CRU. We also offer tastings, wine sales and special seminars. You can see some of the seminars on the Seminars Page.
go to: and click on the PRIME CRU logo to join.
Posted on November 1, 2011
Below is a Prime Cru Newsletter from last years holiday season. If you’d like to join PRIME CRU go to: and click on PRIME CRU
Montebuena Rioja Spain ‘09
A joven wine made for jovial time of year. Tempranillo is one of my favorite grapes in that it can be earthy and rustic as in some old style Riojas. But in the case of Montebuena, it is a young fruity expressive wine that plays on that fine line of new world and old world. This wine will not last and is very hard to find. It is a great choice to drink with turkey or ham.
Retail NA
Prime Cru $10 (more…)